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Ding’s Flamed Shipiao Pot 丁家清代料 窯變 小石瓢

Ding’s Flamed Shipiao Pot 丁家清代料 窯變 小石瓢

Regular price HK$2,600.00
Regular price Sale price HK$2,600.00
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Capacity: 130cc
Clay: Revived Qing Dynasty Clay 手工練泥清代料
Drain: Ball Drian  球孔出水
This teapot was fully handmade with an exclusive zisha clay. Master DING Shan Min 丁善民 spent more than 4 years to revive a Qing Dynasty clay found in the ruin of ancient kilns. The formula of the clays is still a secret, as Master Ding suddently passed away several years ago, but none of his successors had learnt it. It is very difficult to be found in the markets.
The clay was compound by different zisha from Huanglongshat. It can be kilned in high temperature around 1350 °C much higher than other clays. That is why it has unique fambe colours and maximized air permeablity. It's suitable for different types of tea, especially puer, oolong tea, white tea and red tea.
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